Signs from angels ✨

Signs from angels ✨

Signs from spirit guides and angels often appear in your life when …

You are going through a spiritual awakening, developing a deeper understanding of yourself and the universe. Angels will be drawn to your heightened vibration.

You've been feeling alone or isolated and could use a reminder that you play a part in a grand master plan.

You are pursuing something that you were always meant to do; the universe wants to reinforce your self-belief so that you continue to move in the right direction.

You're feeling vulnerable and in need of an indication that you have support.

You've spent some time veering away from your true purpose and are now beginning to align with it once again. In extreme cases, angels will also provide signs when you're in the process of moving in the wrong direction.

You've been through a trauma and have reached a stage at which you're ready to begin the healing process.

An angel simply wants to communicate unconditional love to you and to help you reconnect with your own pure love for the universe. This can happen at times that you may not expect, or when love is an important theme in your personal development.

The key message here is that you're most likely to see angels when you're transforming into your most authentic self, or when you've been faced with hardship and need to experience extra care. 💖

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